Spanish 1 has been carefully designed to focus on successful communication through speaking, writing, reading and listening. This course introduces the learner to the beginning level of the Spanish language. It ranges from vocabulary and grammar rules, to literary and cultural activities. After completing the course, students will be able to engage in short conversations in simple, standard situations that convey basics about their personal information and their environment. This course provides students with the tools necessary to understand simple questions and respond to them when other individuals speak slowly and have a familiar accent. Students will be exposed to native speakers of Spanish during the laboratory activities. Students will have the opportunity to engage in authentic language learning through laboratory and live experiences.
Topics and concepts explored: Thematic Vocabulary Lessons, Grammar, Subject Pronouns, High-Frequency Irregular Verbs, Definite and Indefinite Articles, Adjectives, Present Tense of Regular Verbs, and Possessive Adjectives.
Spanish 2 has been carefully designed to focus on successful communication through speaking, writing, reading, and listening. This course builds on and reinforces concepts learned in Spanish 1. Activities range from vocabulary, grammar rules, projects, and cultural and literary activities. After completing this course, students will be able to communicate on a variety of topics including automobiles and other vehicles, describing events that took place in the past, giving a detailed description of objects and people, hobbies and pastimes, vacations, states of mind and emotions, and nature and outdoor activities. Students will be exposed to native speakers of Spanish during the laboratory activities. Learning activities in each unit are focused upon a specific theme.
Topics and concepts explored: Thematic Vocabulary Lessons, Grammar, Direct and Indirect Object Pronouns, The Preterite Tense, Irregular Verbs, Reflexive Verbs, The Present Progressive, The Imperfect Tense, Commands, and Negative Expressions.
Spanish 3 is designed to focus on successful communication through speaking, writing, reading and listening. It contains vocabulary, grammatical rules, projects, speaking, reading and listening activities as well as cultural and literary pieces. This course introduces and helps the learners to assimilate, in context, the vocabulary and structures most commonly used for ordering at a restaurant, describing accommodations, talking about the weather, organizing a meal, and talking about leisure activities. Upon completion of this course, students will have the tools necessary to understand and elaborate questions, and have the opportunity to practice using appropriate words, expressions, and structures in a number of communicative situations. Learners will be exposed to native speakers of Spanish during the laboratory activities. Learning activities in each unit are focused upon a specific theme.
Topics and concepts explored: Thematic Vocabulary, Grammar, Advanced Functions of the Language, Preterite vs. Imperfect, Pronouns with Commands, Impersonal Expressions, Future Tense, Subjunctive Tense, and Sequence of Tenses.
French 1 is designed to focus on successful communication in each of the four components of language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. This course introduces the learner to the French language through vocabulary, grammar, culture, and literature. Learning activities in each lesson are focused upon a specific theme. Students will be exposed to native speakers of French in the Language Lab activities. Upon completion of the course, students will be able to participate in short exchanges in simple, everyday situations; greet others and introduce oneself; give personal information and information about one’s surroundings; give one’s age, nationality, and occupation; talk about family and pets; describe oneself and others using physical characteristics and clothing; talk about feelings; talk about daily activities; give the date; situate an object in space; and exchange simple questions and answers with someone who speaks slowly, with a standard accent.
Topics and concepts explored: Thematic Vocabulary Lessons, Grammar, Subjects and Verbs, Definite and Indefinite Articles, Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs in the Present Tense, Contractions, Conjunctions, Forming Questions, High-Frequency Irregular Verbs, and Basic Commands.
The course concentrates on the principles of being healthy and focuses on physical development, mental and emotional stress, relationships, substance awareness, social disease awareness, and personal safety. Students develop critical life management skills necessary to make sound decisions and take positive actions for healthy and effective living.
Topics and concepts explored: Emotional, Social, and Physical Health, Life Skills, Setting Goals, Nutrition, Staying Well, Learning, and Volunteering.
This course concentrates on the principles of being fit and includes subjects such as evaluating fitness, flexibility, anatomy and physiology of body systems as they relate to being fit (oxygen transport, heart health, muscle fibers, etc.), nutrition, hydration, and designing a personal fitness program. Students acquire knowledge of physical fitness concepts, understand the influence of lifestyle on health and fitness, and begin to develop an optimal level of fitness.
Topics and concepts explored: Evaluating Your Fitness, Personal Training, Flexibility, Aerobic Exercise, Core Training, Nutrition, Handling Stress, and Staying Motivated.
This course provides students with an introduction to visualization graphics programming on personal computers. The course focuses on using a digital camera and practical application of digital imaging programs. Students learn to place images and how to mock up drawings of three-dimensional spaces.
Topics and concepts explored: Digital Arts and Images, Digital Arts and Film, and Digital Arts and the Web.
Music Appreciation introduces students to the history, theory, and genres of music, from the early music forms through the classical through contemporary. The course explores the interface of music and social movements and examines how the emergent global society and the Internet bring musical forms together in new ways from all around the world.
Topics and concepts explored: History of Music, Style and Influences, and Influences and Applications.
This course is designed to provide an introduction to information technology concepts and careers. Students will explore the impact that modern information technology has on the world, people, and industry. The content includes understanding of basic computer hardware and software, hands-on Microsoft Office 2010 training, and integration of core education skills.
Topics and concepts explored: Computer and Computer Systems, Operating Systems and File Management, WWW and Computer Networking, Web Design, Electronic Communication, Word Processing Introduction, Word Processing Formatting, PowerPoint, Excel Introduction, Excel Advanced Options, Access, and Workplace Skills.
本课程旨在提供介绍信息技术的概念和职业。学生将探索现代信息技术对世界,人,和各行各业的影响。内容包括基本的计算机硬件和软件的理解,动手做Microsoft Office 2010的培训,核心技能教育一体化。主题和概念探讨:计算机和计算机系统,操作系统和文件管理,WWW和电脑联网,网页设计,电子通讯,文字处理简介,文字处理格式,PowerPoint中,Excel中介绍,Excel的高级选项,访问和工作技能。
This course offers competency-based applied learning to understand the development of web design. Technical knowledge and skills needed to prepare for further education and careers such as web designer are covered. The content includes, but is not limited to web document development, design, promotion, and scripting.
Topics and concepts explored: Introduction to Web Design, Design Principles, Web and the Internet, HTML, Tables, Images, CSS, Storyboarding, Audio, Video, Graphic Design, Configuration, Frames and Forms, Search Engines, and Editors.
This course teaches students the kind of writing and speaking used in business, from the routine report to the formal report. Students learn to prepare a professional resume and how to have a successful job interview. Focus is also on the legal aspects of writing official communications that touch on people’s civil rights.
Topics and concepts explored: Communication, Technology, Ethics, Careers, Resumes, Interviewing, Presentations and Speaking, Report Writing, and Business Plans.
This course is an introduction to the goals, processes, and operations of business enterprises for students. The main focus is on the functions that a company–whether a multinational corporation or a corner grocery store–must manage effectively in order to be successful. These include accounting, finance, human resource management, marketing, operations management, and strategic planning. Attention is also given to the legal environment in which businesses operate, and the importance of business ethics and corporate citizenship.
Topics and concepts explored: Career Choices, Marketing, Economics, Human Resources, Sales Techniques, Business Structure, Management, Finance, Consumer Rights, Leadership, Team Building, Ethics, Communication, and Technology.